Flood ProjectVisual Levee Audits
Terara Levee - Final Design Report
CompletedPublication date: 01/03/2005In the mid-1970s, a levee was built along the southern bank of the Shoalhaven River from Nowra Bridge to Terara village. Following floods in the 1970s, the height of the Terara...
Flood ProjectGeotech Report on levee
Terara Levee Restoration & Upgrade Project - Additional Geotechnical...
CompletedPublication date: 01/09/2003This report presents the results of an additional geotechnical investigation carried out by Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd along a section of the Shoalhaven River bank known as...
Flood ProjectVisual Levee Audits
Terara Levee Audit Final Report
CompletedPublication date: 25/03/2002Sinclair Knight Merz was commissioned by Shoalhaven City Council to carry out an audit of Terara Levee. The study was required to cover the following areas: Survey of the top of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Plan
Terara Village Floodplain Management Plan
CompletedPublication date: 26/02/2002The Shoalhaven River catchment covers an area of 7000 square kilometres with approximately 120 square kilometres of floodplain downstream of Nowra. The village of Terara is...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Terara Village Floodplain Management Study
CompletedPublication date: 26/02/2002This Floodplain Management Study examines flooding issues relating to the village of Terara and adjoining properties which are located on the south bank of the Shoalhaven River...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Shoalhaven City Council - Terara Levee Audit
CompletedPublication date: 02/10/2001Sinclair Knight Merz was commissioned by Shoalhaven City Council to carry out an audit of Terara Levee. The study was required to cover the following areas: Survey of the top of...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
Nowra - Flood Map
CompletedPublication date: 11/11/1111Hazard and hydraulic categories; extents and categorisations based on the Flood Planning Level (1% AEP flood + 500mm freeboard).