6 Flood Projects found

Tags: Warrena Creek None: coonamble-shire-council River Basin: 420 - Castlereagh

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  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Coonamble Levee - Flood Affection to Properties Due to Failure

    Publication date: 01/06/2010
    The objective of this study was to assess flood affection to properties located inside Coonamble Levee due to two levee breach scenarios, with two design floods investigated for...

  • Flood Project
    Post event flood behaviour reports

    Coonamble Levee - Flood Gradient Sensitivity Modelling Study January 2009

    Publication date: 16/01/2009
    A major storm event occurred on Warrena Creek catchment at Coonamble during 22-23 December 2007. A 24 hour rainfall of 171 mm was recorded in Coonamble during this storm event....

  • Flood Project
    Geotech Report on levee

    Coonamble Town Levee - Report on Levee Bank Assessment

    Publication date: 08/02/2007
    This report documents the results of a geotechnical investigation of Coonamble Town Levee and the resulting recommendations for a program of repairs to the earthfill levee. It...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Coonamble Flood Scoping Study

    Publication date: 01/12/2002
    This study was commissioned by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC) to review the issues associated with flooding at Coonamble, NSW. It is funded through...

  • Flood Project
    Post event data collection

    Coonamble Levee - Flood Levels

    Publication date: 01/08/1994
    Water Resources Consulting Services was commissioned by the NSW Public Works Dams and Civil Section to determine the design levee crest levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD),...

  • Flood Project
    Visual Levee Audits

    Audit of Flood Levees for NSW - Town of Coonamble

    Publication date: 01/12/1992
    The town of Coonamble on the Castlereagh River in New South Wales has a population of about 1200. It is protected from flooding by a ring levee with a total length of...