6 Flood Projects found

Tags: Bathurst None: notspecified

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  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Stormwater Management Plan For The City Of Bathurst

    Publication date: 05/11/2004
    On April 24 1998, the New South Wales Environment Protection Authority (EPA) issued a legal direction under Section 12 of the Protection of the Environment Administration Act...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Georges Plains & Sofala Flood Scoping Study - Final Report: Georges Plains

    Publication date: 01/12/2003
    The village of Georges Plains is located on Georges Plains Creek, which has a catchment area of just under 70 square kilometres and is a tributary of Queen Charlottes Vale Creek...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Georges Plains & Sofala Flood Scoping Study - Final Report: Sofala

    Publication date: 01/12/2003
    The village of Sofala is located on the Turon River, a major tributary of the Macquarie River. The village has been affected by several floods in the past, most recently in...

  • Flood Project
    Geotech Report on levee

    Bathurst - Additional Geotech Investigation Report - Bathurst Embankment on...

    Publication date: 20/11/2000
    Following further request from Mr. Bill Pigg, additional geotechnical modelling works were carried out based on Council's revised flood levels, which were supplied on 27/10/00....

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Bathurst - Computer Based Floodplain Model - Final Report

    Publication date: 01/06/1993
    This report was prepared in response to a brief issued by the Bathurst City Council entitled "Computer Based Floodplain Model - Contract No. T3-59/89" dated 22 December 1969 in...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Plan

    Bathurst - Floodplain Management Plan

    Publication date: 01/03/1993
    The City of Bathurst has experienced varying degrees of flooding during its history as a result of flooding of the Macquarie River and its tributaries. Severe flooding was most...