Tamworth Regional Council

Tamworth Regional Council (TRC) was established in March 2004, amalgamating the northern NSW shires of Barraba, Manilla, Nundle and Parry and the city of Tamworth. It is one of the biggest councils in inland NSW, with a population of over 58,000 spread over an area three times as large as the Sydney basin at 9884.2 sq Km.

Web: http://www.tamworth.nsw.gov.au

Floodplain Management considerations for Tamworth, Barraba, Bendemeer, Manilla, Peel River, Nundle, and the village of Woolomin. The Western Levee was built near Tamworth CBD for flood protection.

Additional Info

Field Value
Name Tamworth Regional Council
URL https://flooddata.ses.nsw.gov.au/organization/tamworth-regional-council
Data Broker Email trc@tamworth.nsw.gov.au