The village of Sofala is located approximately 42 km north of Bathurst on the Bathurst to Ilford Road. Sofala is located within the Bathurst Regional Council local government area on the Turon River, a tributary of the Macquarie River. The Turon River at Sofala has a catchment area of 883 square kilometres. The Turon River has a history of flooding with the largest recorded flood at Sofala occurring in August 1986.
The overall objective of the study is to develop a draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the study area that addresses the existing, future and continuing flood problems, in accordance with the NSW Government's Flood Policy, as detailed in the "Floodplain Development Manual: the management of flood liable land", New South Wales Government, April 2005 (FDM). The following issues specific to Sofala were identified in the Brief:
- Vegetation growth and the build-up of gravel within the river channel. In considering these issues the Consultant is to ensure that the requirements of the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) under the Native Vegetation Act and the Rivers and Foreshores Improvement Act are addressed. The potential for vegetation removal to increase channel velocities and hence erosion is also to be addressed.
- The impact of the road bridge (Crossley Bridge) and its approaches as an obstruction to flow.
- The impact of debris collecting on the bridge may exacerbate flooding.
- In consultation with the local NSW SES, the study is to identify which emergency management issues would assist the community in being prepared for flood events. This should include flood intelligence, information forecasting, flood warning etc.
- Identify specific flood mitigation options available.
- Identify specific guidelines for new release areas, major rezoning as subdivisions, including lot sizes, allowable fill, building and development controls, section 94 plans etc.