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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Flood study

Shoalhaven City Council - Terara Levee Audit

Sinclair Knight Merz was commissioned by Shoalhaven City Council to carry out an audit of Terara Levee. The study was required to cover the following areas:

  • Survey of the top of the levee in order to identify any low areas and allow an assessment of the size of flood that the levee could withstand before overtopping
  • Cross section survey of the levee
  • Geotechnical investigation to identify soil types and their soil parameters
  • Assessment of the stability of the levee under all conditions
  • Assessment of the causes of erosion of the riverbank and the magnitude of the effects
  • Identification of appropriate cost effective environmentally friendly protection measures and the cost of the works
  • Costing of recommended works for bank protection and to bring the levee to a uniform height

This study has responded to all the above requirements and has identified required works. Supporting information such as the survey and geotechnical investigation are contained in the Appendices.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Shoalhaven City Council - Terara Levee Audit
River Basin 215 - Shoalhaven
Publication Date 2 October 2001
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Shoalhaven City Council
Author/ Prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz
Publish date 4 July 2019
Update date 4 July 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 5 July 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 5 July 2019
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 2b5424d1-aa64-4df4-ad70-f658a818b627