The township of Darlington Point is located in the Murrumbidgee LGA in south-western NSW and has a population of 1,016 (2011 census). The town is situated in the floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River, approximately 36 km to the south of Griffith. Downstream of Narrandera, the Murrumbidgee River floodplain becomes broad and flat, whereby it is difficult to accurately delineate a catchment boundary.
The primary objective of the Flood Study is to define the flood behaviour of the Murrumbidgee River at Darlington Point through the establishment of appropriate numerical models. The study has produced information on flood flows, velocities, levels and extents for a range of flood event magnitudes under existing catchment and floodplain conditions. Specifically, the study incorporates:
- Compilation and review of existing information pertinent to the study;
- Development and calibration of appropriate hydrologic and hydraulic models;
- Determination of design flood conditions for a range of design event including the 20% AEP, 10% AEP, 5% AEP, 2% AEP, 1% AEP, 0.5%, AEP 0.2% AEP and an Extreme Flood event; and
- Presentation of study methodology, results and findings in a comprehensive report incorporating appropriate flood mapping.
The principal outcome of the flood study is the understanding of flood behaviour in the catchment and the derivation of design flood level information that will be used to set appropriate flood planning levels for the study area.