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Residential Development of Mullet Creek Catchment - A Case Study of the Role of Planning in Floodplain Management Studies

The relationship between land-use planning and floodplain management in New South Wales is briefly reviewed. The land-use planning process itself is described and its Importance to the revised 'merits based' flood policy of 1984 is demonstrated via a case study of residential development In Mullet Creek, which is located to the west of Dapto on the south coast of New South Wales.

Flooding is but one of a number of land-use Issues associated with the development of flood-prone land. Regional and local issues of a social, economic and environmental nature that affect the development of Mullet Creek are presented. The history of floodplain management investigations in Mullet Creek is described. These investigations have run a chequered course, due partially to the major revision of the flood policy in 1984: the studies were initiated under one policy and were completed under another.

The Investigations are reviewed in accordance with procedures outlined In the Floodplain Development Manual designed to assist in the implementation of the revised policy. The activities of the three committees that played a role in the Mullet Creek investigations are described, as are the results of the flood study, the floodplain management study and environmental studies undertaken to date.

Conclusions are drawn regarding the organisation and direction of future floodplain management studies. Land use planning plays a central role in such studies; the need for firm direction with regard to the scope and scheduling of associated investigations is noted.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Residential Development of Mullet Creek Catchment - A Case Study of the Role of Planning in Floodplain Management Studies
River Basin 214 - Wollongong
Publication Date 1 December 1986
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Wollongong City Council
Author/ Prepared by CRCE Water Studies Pty Ltd
Publish date 28 May 2020
Update date 29 May 2020
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 29 May 2020
Submitted by Julia Muniz de Miranda Sa
Approved 29 May 2020
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 5a903ad6-0b7f-4634-a6ad-f5a03ab3d109