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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Flood study

Moulamein Flood Study

The Moulamein Flood Study was prepared for Murray River Council and the NSW state government. The study area focused on the township of Moulamein, which is located on the confluence of the Edward River and Billabong Creek. The town is surrounded by three levee systems: the northern levee system around the village centre, the southern levee system around primary production land and the water treatment plant, and the western levee system around Moulamein Bowling Club.

The outcomes of this study include:

  • A Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA);

  • Establishment of a TUFLOW hydraulic model;

  • Calibration of the model to the October 2016 and validation of the model to the July 1956 flood events;

  • Modelling of design flood events as per ARR 2019 for the 20% AEP, 10% AEP, 5% AEP, 2% AEP, 1% AEP, 0.5% AEP, and the PMF event; and

  • Mapping of peak flood depths, velocities, flood function, flood hazard, and interim flood planning areas.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Moulamein Flood Study
River Basin 409 - Murray Riverina
Commission Date 20 April 2018
Publication Date 11 November 2019
Themes Land and Resource Management
Council/LGA Murray River Council
Author/ Prepared by Erika Taylor (HydroSpatial)
Publish date 7 October 2021
Update date 7 October 2021
Place Name Moulamein
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 8 October 2021
Submitted by Erika Taylor
Approved 8 October 2021
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 549ded52-ada6-4c0e-8e83-39007b6c73ee