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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Floodplain Risk Management Plan

Moama Floodplain Management Plan

The study area was confined to New South Wales, although effects of current development on the Victorian side were taken into account because the primary source of flooding is the Murray River which defines the State border. The study area included adjacent rural lands generally confined within the Kanyapella Basin in addition to the urban precincts of the town of Moama. Moama is situated on the Murray River opposite the city of Echuca, immediately upstream of the confluence with the Campaspe River and approximately 15 river kilometres downstream of the confluence of the Goulburn River. The region supports a growing urban population based on popular tourist and recreational destinations, and a significant agricultural, timber and transport base. Land adjacent to the river has been used extensively for caravan parks and camping grounds with some permanent or semipermanent Structures.

The aim of the Floodplain Management Study was to prepare a Floodplain Management Plan which can be used by Murray Shire Council, (and others, such as the SES and DLWC), to initiate agreed flood management options in order to achieve desirable floodplain management outcomes or objectives. These objectives can be primarily defined as:

  1. to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on individual property owners and occupiers;
  2. to reduce private and public losses resulting from flooding;
  3. to protect the natural passage, storage and quality of flood waters;
  4. to protect the natural ecosystems of floodplains;
  5. to help inform the community as to the extent and hazard of flood affected land in the Moama area;
  6. to encourage the development and use of land which is compatible with the indicated flood hazard.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Moama Floodplain Management Plan
River Basin 409 - Murray Riverina
Publication Date 1 September 2002
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Murray River Council
Author/ Prepared by Sinclair Knight Merz
Publish date 1 July 2019
Update date 1 July 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 1 July 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 1 July 2019
Approved by dstazic
Identifier ac9411fd-15e7-42ad-b241-5181d1bc5bf7