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NSW Flood Data Portal

Floodplain Risk Management Plan

Lachlan River Jemalong Gap to Condobolin - Floodplain Management Plan

The FMP has been prepared to provide strategic guidance to NSW government agencies and landholders in the management of floodwaters on the Lachlan River (Jemalong Gap to Condobolin) floodplain. The FMP will replace the 1978 Guidelines. The vision for managing the Jemalong Gap to Condobolin floodplain is:

To manage the floodplain of the Lachlan River between Jemalong Gap and Condobolin township in an equitable and sustainable manner through careful use of parts of the floodplain for agricultural activities, while allowing for the floodplain’s natural flood distribution and storage functions, and enhancing its environmental values.

The objectives linked to this vision for the FMP are:

  • To achieve a coordinated, balanced approach to floodplain management, taking into account hydraulic, environmental and economic considerations, and legislative requirements.
  • To ensure the sustainable and equitable use of floodplain resources.
  • To ensure that the current, accepted flow distribution to the north and south of the floodplain is retained.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Lachlan River Jemalong Gap to Condobolin - Floodplain Management Plan
River Basin 412 - Lachlan
Publication Date 1 February 2012
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Forbes Shire Council
Author/ Prepared by NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment
Publish date 20 May 2020
Update date 21 May 2020
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 21 May 2020
Submitted by Julia Muniz de Miranda Sa
Approved 21 May 2020
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 33248d4d-0802-4a40-8f1f-b359445d5e63