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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

Jeralgambeth Creek at Illabo - Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

Junee Shire Council commissioned the preparation of the Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) and draft Plan for Jeralgambeth Creek at Illabo. The FRMS and draft Plan are set out in this report. The study area is located on the southern side of the Olympic Highway and Main Southern Railway in the floodplain of Jeralgambeth Creek. The area is zoned 1(a) General Rural and is presently undeveloped apart from two residential properties located within the extent of inundation of the 100 year ARI flood. Following the recommendations of the Illabo Village Strategy, 2009, which considered a number of options for encouraging development in the Illabo area, Council prepared a planning proposal for consideration by Department of Planning and Infrastructure which would permit a dwelling entitlement on various lots, whilst retaining the existing rural-small holdings characteristics of the area.

This report builds on the results of the Jeralgambeth Creek at Illabo Flood Study, 2011. That study assessed the pattern of flooding at Illabo arising from flooding in Jeralgambeth Creek. The objectives of the FRMS were to assess the impacts of flooding, review existing Council policies as they relate to development of land in flood liable areas of Illabo, consider options for management of flood affected land and to develop a draft Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP) which:

  1. Sets out the recommended program of works and measures aimed at reducing over time, the social, environmental and economic impacts of flooding on existing development and ensuring that impacts on future development are minimised.
  2. Proposes Flood Planning Levels (FPL’s) and conditions for future development for the various potential land uses in the floodplain.
  3. Prepares a draft Flood Policy which could be used by Council to ensure that future development of flood affected land is undertaken so as to be compatible with the flood hazard and risk.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Jeralgambeth Creek at Illabo - Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
River Basin 410 - Murrumbidgee
Publication Date 1 March 2012
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Junee Shire Council
Author/ Prepared by Lyall & Associates
Publish date 12 June 2019
Update date 1 July 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 13 June 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 1 July 2019
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 01a4acda-dd2c-40dd-b50a-c1c42f68ff51