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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Review of Environmental Factors

Island Creek - Review of Environmental Factors for Island Creek Stream Clearing and Remedial works on Newlands above Island Creek Weir

This report reviews the environmental factors for Island Creek stream clearing and remedial works on "Newlands" above Island Creek weir.

Island Creek is an effluent stream which leaves the Lachlan River downstream of Warroo between Forbes and Condobolin in Central West NSW. A farther effluent stream, Wallamundry Creek leaves Island Creek at Island Creek Weir about 1.5 km upstream of where Island Creek re-enters the (little) Lachlan River. The principal native tree species along the creek is River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis. However, this naturally occurring native species seems to be being displaced by the exotic species weeping willow Salix babylonica which is causing a number of problems for the Creek channel.

Generally, weeping willows grow as single trees or in clumps often with silt and sediment building up and around them and often diverting creek flows and thereby causing erosion. Willow problems, in the reach of Island Creek to be cleared, are generally confined to 14 locations totalling just over one kilometre. Recent studies have attributed a marked increase in flood levels to the willows.

In summary the proposed stream clearing and remedial tree planting will cause some disturbance to the riverine corridor, however, such disturbance is necessary to achieve the proposed reversal of current degradation along the stream channel due to the growth (and takeover) of exotic willows. The removal of exotic species will have little effect on beneficial uses of the existing environment and it is considered that the net effect of the proposed works will be positive and an improvement.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Island Creek - Review of Environmental Factors for Island Creek Stream Clearing and Remedial works on Newlands above Island Creek Weir
River Basin 412 - Lachlan
Publication Date 1 January 1996
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Author/ Prepared by DLWC
Publish date 24 June 2020
Update date 24 June 2020
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 24 June 2020
Submitted by Julia Muniz de Miranda Sa
Approved 24 June 2020
Approved by ses-sysadmin
Identifier ee6b2367-7089-4766-b12f-af92c6ba3061