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NSW Flood Data Portal

Geotech Report on levee

Levee Stability & Structural Integrity Investigation at Grafton City Services Bowling & Sporting Club

The Clarence River County Council (CRCe) constructed the levee in North Grafton in 1969. The majority of the levee is situated along the top of the riverbank. The levee comprises of sections of reinforced concrete, concrete block, compacted earth, and in some sections existing building walls were utilised. The investigation comprised the drilling of five vertical boreholes along the alignment of the levee banks and walls. The boreholes were logged on-site by an Engineering Geologist and samples retrieved were submitted for laboratory testing to analyse soil type. The levee has protected the city from numerous floods. However the 2001 floods raised concerns over the structural integrity of the levee between Prince Street and Queen Street in Grafton. The levee is showing signs of movement in this area and the use of buildings to fonn an integral part of the levee is now being questioned.

The object of this study is to be carried out in the following four stages:

  1. Investigate the stability of the riverbank and structural integrity of the levee.
  2. If necessary, identify riverbank management options and levee treatment options.
  3. If necessary, prepare a riverbank and/or levee management plan.
  4. Implement remedial works.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Levee Stability & Structural Integrity Investigation at Grafton City Services Bowling & Sporting Club
River Basin 204 - Clarence
Publication Date 1 March 2003
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Clarence Valley Council
Author/ Prepared by SMEC Australia Pty Ltd
Publish date 31 May 2020
Update date 1 June 2020
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 31 May 2020
Submitted by Julia Muniz de Miranda Sa
Approved 1 June 2020
Approved by dstazic
Identifier 8a6a0298-80f6-4ef9-8d56-af656f31e812