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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Flood study

Eight Mile Creek Flood Study

The City of Albury is located on the River Murray approximately 600 km south west of Sydney. The catchment of concern is in a future development area to the east of the City. The area is affected by flooding from a range of sources, both mainstream and overland flows, and there is a need to define the extent of flooding and to determine appropriate development controls and risk management plans. The Eight Mile Creek catchment lies 10 km to the north-east of the Albury City centre and is approximately 65 square kilometres in size.

The primary objective of the study is to estimate the flood behaviour under existing conditions and produce information on:

  • Flood levels;
  • Velocities;
  • Flows;
  • Hydraulic categories; and
  • Provisional Hazard Categories.

The aims of the study were as follows:

  • Completion of Data Collection and Assessment, along with Community Consultation;
  • Completion of Model Calibration, Validation and Design Flood Estimation;
  • Identify and Report on Provisional Hazards and Floodway Extents; and
  • Completion of Modelling and Design Flood Estimation Report.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Eight Mile Creek Flood Study
River Basin 409 - Murray Riverina
Publication Date 9 March 2012
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Albury City Council
Author/ Prepared by URS Australia
Publish date 12 June 2019
Update date 1 July 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 13 June 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 1 July 2019
Approved by jhudson
Identifier 970f4795-eb91-4e6b-b743-f081d08a4d3c