Catchment Simulation Solutions has been commissioned to prepare the College, Orth and Werrington Creeks Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (FRMS&P) on behalf of Penrith City Council (Council) and overseen by the Penrith City Floodplain Management Committee. The Committee includes representatives from the local community, Councilors, Council Staff, NSW Department of Planning Industry and Environment (DPIE), State Emergency Services (SES), Infrastructure NSW and neighboring Councils. The study and plan are prepared in accordance with the NSW Flood Prone Land policy and the process outlined in its supporting manual.
The College, Orth and Werrington Creeks catchment is located within the Penrith City Council Local Government Area and includes the suburbs of Orchard Hills, Caddens, Kingswood, Cambridge Park, Werrington and Werrington County. The catchment covers a total area of approximately 1,200 hectares and drains into South Creek.
Stage 1 (Data Collection) and Stage 2 (Flood Study) of the NSW Floodplain Management Program were completed by Catchment Simulation Solutions in 2017. The document herein presents Stages 3 and 4 of the NSW State Government’s Floodplain Management Program; the College, Orth and Werrington Creeks Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study and the College, Orth and Werrington Creek Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Plan.
Study Objectives
The overall objectives of the Floodplain Risk Management Study (FRMS) were to assess the impacts of flooding, review existing Council policies as they relate to development of land in flood liable areas, consider measures for the management of flood affected land and to develop a Floodplain Risk Management Plan (FRMP) which:
• Proposes modifications to existing Council policies to ensure that the development of flood affected land is undertaken so as to be compatible with the flood hazard and risk.
• Sets out the recommended program of works and measures aimed at reducing over time, the social, environmental and economic impacts of flooding.
• Provides a program for implementation of the proposed works and measures.
This FRMS&P deals with local catchment flooding only, although it acknowledges the implications of mainstream flooding from the South Creek.
Community consultation and public exhibition was undertaken as part of the floodplain management process. A flood questionnaire survey was sent out to more than 8,500 households within the study area to inform the community of the study, gather any additional flood information available, and assist in understanding community preferences in flood mitigation options.