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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Floodplain Risk Management Plan

Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Plan

The study area is located within the Bega Valley Shire local government area (LGA) on the South Coast of NSW, approximately 80 km from the Victorian border. The total catchment area of the two river systems is 1,810 square kilometres at the confluence at Bega, of which the Bega River contributes 1,030 square kilometres, and the Brogo River 780 square kilometres. The objectives of Floodplain Risk Management Plan are to:

  • Reduce the flood hazard and risk to people and property in the existing community and to ensure future development is controlled in a manner consistent with the flood hazard and risk;
  • Reduce private and public losses due to flooding;
  • Protect and where possible enhance the river and floodplain environment;
  • Be consistent with the objectives of relevant State policies;
  • Ensure that the draft floodplain risk management plan is fully integrated with Council’s existing corporate, business and strategic plans, existing and proposed planning proposals, meets Council’s obligations under the Local Government Act 1993 and has the support of the local community;
  • Ensure actions arising out of the draft plan are sustainable in social, environmental, ecological and economic terms;
  • Ensure that the draft floodplain risk management plan is fully integrated with the local emergency management plan; and
  • Establish a program for implementation.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Plan
River Basin 219 - Bega
Publication Date 26 March 2018
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Bega Valley Shire Council
Author/ Prepared by Cardno
Publish date 12 June 2019
Update date 26 June 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 12 June 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 27 June 2019
Approved by jhudson
Identifier ad11536c-ee6e-4c42-bb9f-27c07ad0fe21