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SES - NSW State Emergency Service NSW Government - Office of Environment and Heritage

NSW Flood Data Portal

Flood study

Armidale Flood Study 2004

The primary objective of this study is to define the flood behaviour of Dumaresq Creek at Armidale, and along the lower reaches of Martins Gully, Black Gully and Yoogoonda Gully. The study provides information on flood levels, velocities and flows for a full range of flood events under existing catchment and floodplain conditions. The study is based upon similar modelling to that undertaken in the 1999 Armidale Flood Mitigation Study. It provides information for the 5% AEP, 2% AEP, 1% AEP and Extreme floods (The extreme flood is an approximation of the probable maximum flood). The following recommendations are made in respect of future flood study investigations:

  • Obtain all relevant rainfall and stream gauging data following all flood events.
  • Update the models following any significant flood event, especially for events larger than the 1984 flood (approximately the 5% AEP or 20 year flood event).
  • Update all mapping with each update of the hydraulic model.
  • Update the flood model following any significant change to floodplain geometry, or major changes to piped stormwater stream discharge locations.
  • Check sub-catchment hydrology for significant changes to impervious area resulting from proposed new developments.
  • Assess geotechnical properties of railway embankment and its capacity to withstand model flood events in Martins Gully.
  • Future refinement of this flood model to include piped drainage infrastructure and overland flood flows from the street network.
  • Mapping flood velocity x depth, to identify floodways, sites which may be subject to significant erosion and high hazards areas.
  • Model Dumaresq Creek and all its tributaries as one stream network, thus eliminating some of the assumptions needed to model each stream independently (e.g. downstream control parameters resulting from different times of concentration for design flood events).
  • Assess justification for modelling stream network as steady state only, or if an unsteady state model would be more appropriate.

Additional Information

Field Value
Title Armidale Flood Study 2004
River Basin 206 - Macleay
Publication Date 1 March 2005
Themes Land and Resource Management
Spatial Extent
© OpenStreetMap contributors
Council/LGA Armidale Regional Council
Author/ Prepared by Paterson Consultants
Publish date 19 June 2019
Update date 26 June 2019
Approval State Approved
Submitted for approval 19 June 2019
Submitted by Akhil Sud
Approved 26 June 2019
Approved by jhudson
Identifier 75029914-b45a-4baf-bb4a-6237be3ddbb8