3 Flood Projects found

Tags: Plumthorpe

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  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Manilla Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan

    Publication date: 13/02/2018
    The upper catchments of the Manilla and Namoi River catchments are located to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of NSW. Both rivers drain large catchments...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Manilla Flood Study

    Publication date: 25/04/2012
    The upper catchments of the Manilla and Namoi River catchments are located to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of NSW. Both rivers drain large catchments...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Barraba Flood Study

    Publication date: 01/04/2012
    The upper catchments of the Manilla River are located to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of the NSW. The river drains a large (771 square kilometres)...