5 Flood Projects found

Tags: Manilla River

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  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Barraba Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 16/02/2018
    Barraba town is located 90 km to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of NSW. The town is located on the Manilla River, which drains to Split Rock Dam and the...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Manilla Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan

    Publication date: 13/02/2018
    The upper catchments of the Manilla and Namoi River catchments are located to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of NSW. Both rivers drain large catchments...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Barraba Flood Study

    Publication date: 01/04/2012
    The upper catchments of the Manilla River are located to the northwest of Tamworth in the New England region of the NSW. The river drains a large (771 square kilometres)...

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Namoi Catchment - Water Resources and Management Overview

    Publication date: 01/02/2011
    The Namoi River is one of the Murray-Darling Basin's major NSW sub-catch merits. It covers an area of about 42,000 km from the Great Dividing Range near Tamworth to the Barwon...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study

    Narrabri Floodplain Management Study

    Publication date: 01/02/1999
    The town of Narrabri is located within the floodplain of the Namoi River in the north-west of North South Wales. About ten major floods have inundated the town this century. The...