Flood ProjectFlood study
The Village of Crookwell Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 01/02/2014The village of Crookwell has a population of about 2,200 and is located about 45 km north of Goulburn on the Crookwell Road. The village is located in the headwaters of the...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Lachlan River Floodplain Risk Management Study (Gooloogong to Jemalong Gap)
CompletedPublication date: 01/04/2010The study area for the draft FMP incorporates the floodplain area covered by the 1979 Guidelines. It extends from Gooloogong in the east to Jemalong Gap in the Jemalong Range in...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Cowra and Gooloogong Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan - Volume One
CompletedPublication date: 01/12/2006The town of Cowra is located in the Lachlan Valley, 220 km south-west of Sydney, on the banks of the Lachlan River. The Lachlan River rises in the Great Dividing Range and...
Flood ProjectFlood study
West Cowra Watercourse Flood Study & Drainage Strategy
CompletedPublication date: 02/02/2001The site is located in West Cowra with the watercourse traversing from the Blayney-Demondrille Railway in the south to Grenfell Road in the north. The flooding investigation has...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Cowra and Gooloogong Flood Studies
CompletedPublication date: 01/05/1999The flood study is the formal starting process of defining management measures for flood liable land and represents a detailed technical investigation of flood behaviour. This...