Flood ProjectFlood study
Forbes Flood Study Review
CompletedPublication date: 01/05/2020The study objectives were to review and update the findings of previous flooding investigations that have been carried out for Forbes. This included the update of flood...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Lachlan River Floodplain Risk Management Study (Gooloogong to Jemalong Gap)
CompletedPublication date: 01/04/2010The study area for the draft FMP incorporates the floodplain area covered by the 1979 Guidelines. It extends from Gooloogong in the east to Jemalong Gap in the Jemalong Range in...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Lachlan River Floodplain Management Study (Gooloogong to Jemalong Gap) - Phase A
CompletedPublication date: 19/11/2003The study area for the Lachlan Floodplain Management Plan incorporates the floodplain area covered by the existing Guidelines. The study area for the Lachlan Floodplain...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Forbes - Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 01/11/2001Sinclair Knight Merz was commissioned by Forbes Shire Council to carry out a review of flood levels contained in the Floodplain Management Report and Plan, 1994. This study...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Forbes Flood Study - Preliminary Information Pack
CompletedPublication date: 17/09/2001Sinclair Knight Merz was engaged by Forbes Shire Council to update and extend the Forbes Flood Study and make recommendations where necessary to update the Forbes Floodplain...
Flood ProjectReview of Environmental Factors
Island Creek - Review of Environmental Factors for Island Creek Stream...
CompletedPublication date: 01/01/1996This report reviews the environmental factors for Island Creek stream clearing and remedial works on "Newlands" above Island Creek weir. Island Creek is an effluent stream which...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Forbes - Floodplain Management Report & Draft Floodplain Management Plan
CompletedPublication date: 01/10/1994During 1992 - 1993, the Department of Water Resources carried out a flood study of the town of Forbes. This was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the NSW...
Flood ProjectPost event flood behaviour reports
Forbes - Flood Damage Survey August 1990 Flood
CompletedPublication date: 01/02/1992This report presents the results of a survey of damage caused by the August 1990 flood to residential and commercial properties in Forbes and Eugowra and compares these to a...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
Forbes Flow Consistency Check - Lachlan River
CompletedPublication date: 01/11/1989On 20 April 1989 a letter was received from Mr Frank Harvey of the Australian Water Resources Advisory Council (AWRAC). He suggested that most of the high flow ratings for the...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Lachlan Valley - Floodplain Management Studies
CompletedPublication date: 01/03/1983Subsequent to the release of the 1979 report the Commonwealth and State Governments agreed to share the cost of the preparation of flood mitigation plans for selected inland...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
Forbes - Flood Inundation Map
CompletedPublication date: 01/01/1977Large, scanned map of the Lachlan River at Forbes.