109 Flood Projects found

River Basin: 410 - Murrumbidgee

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  • Flood Project
    Levee Projects

    A feasibility study for the flood mitigation Options for North Wagga

    Publication date: 08/05/2024
    A comparison of three recommendations from the 2018 FRMSP to determine the most appropriate mitigation solution to go forward with for the village of North Wagga

  • Flood Project
    Detailed Design

    Barellan Levee

    Publication date: 14/03/2024
    Detail Design and Design Report for the Barellan Levee which was the Option D alignment in the Barellan Levee Options Feasibility Study (WMS February 2021)

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Cootamundra Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 15/06/2023
    Cootamundra Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan considered and assessed a range of options for the management of existing and future flood risk in Cootamundra. A series of...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Federation Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 11/03/2022
    The Study builds on flood modelling initially developed in the towns of Morundah, Boree Creek, Oaklands, Rand and Urana in the Federation Villages Flood Study (Jacobs, 2017)....

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Darlington Point Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 27/10/2021
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Darlington Point, which is located on the floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River. The overall goal of the Floodplain Risk Management...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Addendum Report

    Publication date: 21/07/2021
    The Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Addendum Report deals with the development of flood planning constraint category maps for the villages of...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Yass Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan

    Publication date: 01/07/2021
    Yass Valley Council commissioned the preparation of a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the township of Yass. The overall objectives of the Yass Floodplain Risk...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans

    Publication date: 18/06/2021
    This report describes the data collection, model update, flood risk assessment and mitigation measures assessment of the Tarcutta, Ladysmith & Uranquinty Floodplain Risk...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Wagga Wagga Major Overland Flow Floodplain Risk management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 03/05/2021
    In this study, a full assessment of the existing flood risk in the catchment has been carried out, including flood hazard across the study area, over floor flooding of...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Queanbeyan Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan

    Publication date: 01/12/2020
    Study Objectives Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (Council__) commissioned the finalisation of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan_ for the parts of the Queanbeyan...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study


    Publication date: 25/11/2020
    The Murrumburrah Flood Study provided information about existing flood risk in the Currawong Creek catchment, which is also known locally as Murrimboola Creek. Flood modelling...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Snowy Monaro Regional Council Flood and Floodplain Risk Management Studies -...

    Publication date: 01/11/2020
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Cooma, Bredbo, Michelago and Berridale that followed the Flood Study finalised in 2019. The FRMS&P assessed flood risk in each...

  • Flood Project
    Concept Design

    Sutton Stormwater Network Upgrade Scheme Concept Design Report

    Publication date: 01/03/2020
    This report sets out the findings of an investigation that was undertaken into the feasibility of implementing the detention basin scheme that forms part of the Sutton...

  • Flood Project
    Concept Design

    Gundaroo Detention Basin Scheme Concept Design Report

    Publication date: 01/03/2020
    This report sets out the findings of an investigation that was undertaken into the feasibility of implementing the detention basin scheme that forms part of the Gundaroo...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Snowy Monaro Regional Council Flood and Floodplain Risk Management Studies -...

    Publication date: 01/06/2019
    A flood study for four towns in Snowy Monaro Regional Council - Cooma, Bredbo, Michelago and Berridale undertaken by SMEC and GRC Hydro on behalf of Council. The studies...

  • Flood Project
    Geotech Report on levee

    McCormack Road Levee and Culvert Updates

    Publication date: 20/03/2019
    The community of Yoogali NSW is located approximately 4 km southeast of the Griffith central business district. The Main Drain J is aligned parallel to Burley Griffin Way and...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Review of the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and 2023 Addendum

    Publication date: 01/03/2019
    Study Objectives Narrandera Shire Council commissioned the review of the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Murrumbidgee River at Darlington Point and Environs Flood Study

    Publication date: 12/12/2018
    The township of Darlington Point is located in the Murrumbidgee LGA in south-western NSW and has a population of 1,016 (2011 census). The town is situated in the floodplain of...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 04/12/2018
    Following on from the Gundagai Flood Study, the Gundagai FRMS investigated methods to reduce the flood risk in Gundagai.

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Adelong Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Publication date: 01/11/2018
    Study Objectives Snowy Valleys Council commissioned the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the township of Adelong. The overall objectives of the Floodplain Risk...