Flood ProjectLevee Projects
A feasibility study for the flood mitigation Options for North Wagga
CompletedPublication date: 08/05/2024A comparison of three recommendations from the 2018 FRMSP to determine the most appropriate mitigation solution to go forward with for the village of North Wagga
Flood ProjectDetailed Design
Barellan Levee
CompletedPublication date: 14/03/2024Detail Design and Design Report for the Barellan Levee which was the Option D alignment in the Barellan Levee Options Feasibility Study (WMS February 2021)
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Cootamundra Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 15/06/2023Cootamundra Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan considered and assessed a range of options for the management of existing and future flood risk in Cootamundra. A series of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Federation Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 11/03/2022The Study builds on flood modelling initially developed in the towns of Morundah, Boree Creek, Oaklands, Rand and Urana in the Federation Villages Flood Study (Jacobs, 2017)....
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Darlington Point Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 27/10/2021Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Darlington Point, which is located on the floodplain of the Murrumbidgee River. The overall goal of the Floodplain Risk Management...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Addendum Report
CompletedPublication date: 21/07/2021The Murrumbateman, Bowning, Bookham and Binalong Flood Study – Addendum Report deals with the development of flood planning constraint category maps for the villages of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Yass Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 01/07/2021Yass Valley Council commissioned the preparation of a Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the township of Yass. The overall objectives of the Yass Floodplain Risk...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Tarcutta, Ladysmith and Uranquinty Floodplain Risk Management Studies and Plans
CompletedPublication date: 18/06/2021This report describes the data collection, model update, flood risk assessment and mitigation measures assessment of the Tarcutta, Ladysmith & Uranquinty Floodplain Risk...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Wagga Wagga Major Overland Flow Floodplain Risk management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 03/05/2021In this study, a full assessment of the existing flood risk in the catchment has been carried out, including flood hazard across the study area, over floor flooding of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Queanbeyan Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 01/12/2020Study Objectives Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council (Council__) commissioned the finalisation of the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan_ for the parts of the Queanbeyan...
Flood ProjectFlood study
CompletedPublication date: 25/11/2020The Murrumburrah Flood Study provided information about existing flood risk in the Currawong Creek catchment, which is also known locally as Murrimboola Creek. Flood modelling...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Flood and Floodplain Risk Management Studies -...
CompletedPublication date: 01/11/2020Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for Cooma, Bredbo, Michelago and Berridale that followed the Flood Study finalised in 2019. The FRMS&P assessed flood risk in each...
Flood ProjectConcept Design
Sutton Stormwater Network Upgrade Scheme Concept Design Report
CompletedPublication date: 01/03/2020This report sets out the findings of an investigation that was undertaken into the feasibility of implementing the detention basin scheme that forms part of the Sutton...
Flood ProjectConcept Design
Gundaroo Detention Basin Scheme Concept Design Report
CompletedPublication date: 01/03/2020This report sets out the findings of an investigation that was undertaken into the feasibility of implementing the detention basin scheme that forms part of the Gundaroo...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Snowy Monaro Regional Council Flood and Floodplain Risk Management Studies -...
CompletedPublication date: 01/06/2019A flood study for four towns in Snowy Monaro Regional Council - Cooma, Bredbo, Michelago and Berridale undertaken by SMEC and GRC Hydro on behalf of Council. The studies...
Flood ProjectGeotech Report on levee
McCormack Road Levee and Culvert Updates
CompletedPublication date: 20/03/2019The community of Yoogali NSW is located approximately 4 km southeast of the Griffith central business district. The Main Drain J is aligned parallel to Burley Griffin Way and...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Review of the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and 2023 Addendum
CompletedPublication date: 01/03/2019Study Objectives Narrandera Shire Council commissioned the review of the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Study and the Narrandera Floodplain Risk Management Plan for the...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Murrumbidgee River at Darlington Point and Environs Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 12/12/2018The township of Darlington Point is located in the Murrumbidgee LGA in south-western NSW and has a population of 1,016 (2011 census). The town is situated in the floodplain of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Gundagai Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 04/12/2018Following on from the Gundagai Flood Study, the Gundagai FRMS investigated methods to reduce the flood risk in Gundagai.
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Adelong Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 01/11/2018Study Objectives Snowy Valleys Council commissioned the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the township of Adelong. The overall objectives of the Floodplain Risk...