Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Woy Woy Floodplain Risk Management Study
CompletedPublication date: 15/08/2023Floodplain Risk Management Study of Woy Woy Peninsula including Kahibah Creek catchment.
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Northern Lakes Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 30/09/2021Study Area The Northern Lakes catchments are located on the Central Coast of New South Wales and occupy a combined area of 33.5km2. The Northern Lakes study area comprises a...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Lake Macquarie Catchments Overland Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 31/08/2021Study Ojectives This flood study establishes design flood event conditions, including consideration of the potential impact of climate change. Study Location The study area...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study
Flood Studies for Eight Residual Lake Macquarie Waterway Tributary Catchments
CompletedPublication date: 23/08/2021Study Areas Lake Macquarie City Council identified eight remaining smaller tributary catchments which have not been investigated in previous studies. These eight smaller...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Killarney Vale / Long Jetty Catchments Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 31/03/2021Objective The primary goal of the project was to quantify the nature and extent of the existing flooding problem and evaluate options that could be potentially implemented to...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Wallarah Creek Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 31/03/2021Overview The Wallarah Creek catchment is located within the Central Coast Council LGA. The catchment comprises a mix of urbanised and rural land uses and includes the suburbs of...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Lake Macquarie City Flood Studies & Floodplain Risk Management Studies/Plans
CompletedPublication date: 11/02/2020Map displaying the extents of flood studies, floodplain risk management studies/plans, and the years of their completion.
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Wyong River Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 20/01/2020The Wyong River catchment is located on the Central Coast of New South Wales and occupies a total area of 440 km2. The catchment is drained by a network of rivers and creeks...
Flood ProjectFlood study
2D Stormwater Modelling Study Swansea
CompletedPublication date: 31/12/2019Study Area The Swansea study area lies on the south side of the Swansea Channel which provides the entrance of Lake Macquarie to the Pacific Ocean. The study area has a...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Ourimbah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan
CompletedPublication date: 25/07/2019The Ourimbah Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan (FRMS&P) presented herein constitutes the second and third stages in the NSW Floodplain Risk Management...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Upper Cockle Creek Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 24/05/2019Study Area Cockle Creek has a catchment area of approximately 109 square kilometres and is located at the northern end of Lake Macquarie waterway at Boolaroo, on the Central...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Upper Cockle Creek Flood Study (Final Report)
CompletedPublication date: 24/05/2019Catchment Description Cockle Creek has a catchment area of approximately 109 square kilometres and is located at the northern end of Lake Macquarie waterway at Boolaroo, on the...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 13/03/2018LT Creek has a catchment area of approximately 7.5 square kilometres and is located at the North Western end of Lake Macquarie waterway at Fassifern, on the Central Coast of...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Tuggerah Lakes Southern Catchments Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 09/02/2018Catchment Description The Tuggerah Lakes Southern Catchments are located on the Central Coast of NSW approximately 90 km north of Sydney in the Central Coast (formerly Wyong...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Jewells Wetland Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 31/01/2018Study Objectives The objectives of the Jewells Wetland Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan are to: Identify and assess measures for the mitigation of existing flood risk;...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Winding Creek and Lower Cockle Creek Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 29/06/2017Cockle Creek has a catchment area of approximately 109 square kilometres and is located at the northern end of Lake Macquarie at Boolaroo on the Central Coast. Cockle Creek has...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
Peninsula News - 2016
CompletedPublication date: 14/06/2016A collection of four newspaper articles (scanned) from Peninsula News: 14-Jun-16; ACF Branch Calls for Flood Model for a Changing Climate 14-Jun-16; Flood Group Reports...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Wallarah Creek Catchment Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 30/04/2016Catchment Description The Wallarah Creek catchment is located on the Central Coast of New South Wales and occupies an area of 33 km2. The catchment is drained by two major...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
CC Express Advocate- 2016
CompletedPublication date: 23/03/2016Four newspaper articles from the CC Express Advocate in March/May 2016: 23-Mar-16; River or Road 30-Mar-16; Inaction is Risking Lives 13-May-16; Sea Levels Falling 18-May-16;...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Northern Lakes Flood Study
CompletedPublication date: 01/10/2015Study Objectives The objectives of the Flood Study were to: Undertake a review of available data; Consult with the community to collect their observations on historic flood...