21 Flood Projects found

Organisations: Shoalhaven City Council Tags: Shoalhaven River

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  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Plan

    Kangaroo Valley Floodplain Risk Management Plan

    Publication date: 01/04/2016
    The Kangaroo River is a tributary of the Shoalhaven River, on the south coast of New South Wales. The river originates from within the Budderoo National Park, from where it...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study

    Kangaroo Valley Floodplain Risk Management Study

    Publication date: 01/04/2016
    The Kangaroo River is a tributary of the Shoalhaven River, on the south coast of New South Wales. The river originates from within the Budderoo National Park, from where it...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan

    Lower Shoalhaven River Floodplain Management Study & Plan - Climate Change Assessment

    Publication date: 01/08/2011
    The main objective of this study is to amend the existing Lower Shoalhaven River Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan to incorporate the predicted impacts of climate...

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Lower Shoalhaven River Hazard and Hydraulic Categories

    Publication date: 01/05/2008
    Hazard and Hydraulic Categories. Extents and categorisations based on Flood Planning Level (1% AEP flood + 500mm freeboard).

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Shoalhaven River Entrance Management Plan for Flood Mitigation

    Publication date: 01/11/2006
    If the entrance of the Shoalhaven River at Shoalhaven Heads were to remain closed during a flood, water levels would be significantly higher for longer in some parts of the...

  • Flood Project
    Visual Levee Audits

    Terara Levee - Final Design Report

    Publication date: 01/03/2005
    In the mid-1970s, a levee was built along the southern bank of the Shoalhaven River from Nowra Bridge to Terara village. Following floods in the 1970s, the height of the Terara...

  • Flood Project
    Geotech Report on levee

    Terara Levee Restoration & Upgrade Project - Additional Geotechnical...

    Publication date: 01/09/2003
    This report presents the results of an additional geotechnical investigation carried out by Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd along a section of the Shoalhaven River bank known as...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Plan

    Terara Village Floodplain Management Plan

    Publication date: 26/02/2002
    The Shoalhaven River catchment covers an area of 7000 square kilometres with approximately 120 square kilometres of floodplain downstream of Nowra. The village of Terara is...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study

    Riverview Road Area - Nowra Floodplain Management Study

    Publication date: 26/02/2002
    The land on the south bank of the Shoalhaven River downstream of Nowra Bridge has had a history of flooding. This Floodplain Management Study examines flooding issues relating...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Study

    Terara Village Floodplain Management Study

    Publication date: 26/02/2002
    This Floodplain Management Study examines flooding issues relating to the village of Terara and adjoining properties which are located on the south bank of the Shoalhaven River...

  • Flood Project
    Floodplain Risk Management Plan

    Riverview Road Area, Nowra - Floodplain Management Plan

    Publication date: 26/02/2002
    The Shoalhaven River rises approximately 50km inland of Moruya and follows a northerly direction for 170km before turning east for a further 90km to reach the Pacific Ocean at...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Shoalhaven City Council - Terara Levee Audit

    Publication date: 02/10/2001
    Sinclair Knight Merz was commissioned by Shoalhaven City Council to carry out an audit of Terara Levee. The study was required to cover the following areas: Survey of the top of...

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Lower Shoalhaven - A Report On The Impact Of Construction of a Levee on Pig Island

    Publication date: 01/09/1992
    A levee is proposed along the southern shoreline of Pig Island to retain and drain saturated sands and silts pumped across to the island from a sand washing plant at Terrara. At...

  • Flood Project
    Post event data collection

    Flooding of Shoalhaven River - 1st-3rd August 1990

    Publication date: 01/12/1990
    On 31st July 1990, a low pressure system developed off the Queensland Coast. This system moved slowly south over the next few days directing easterly winds into most of the NSW...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Shoalhaven Milling Company Nowra - Flood Study For Proposed Flour Mill

    Publication date: 01/10/1990
    The Shoalhaven Milling Company is proposing the development of a Flour Mill on Bolong Road, Nowra, at a site located approximately 300m north-east of their existing milling...

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Shoalhaven Milling Company - Flood Study For Proposed Mill Extensions

    Publication date: 01/12/1989
    This flood study has been undertaken for the Shoalhaven Milling Company of Nowra, to investigate flooding at the site of proposed extension to their existing mill. The mill is...

  • Flood Project
    Post event flood behaviour reports

    Flooding of the Shoalhaven River 29th April-1st May 1988

    Publication date: 01/05/1988
    Heavy rainfall in the upper catchment of the Shoalhaven River during the period 29 April to 1 May 1988 resulted in a major flood occurring in the lower reaches of the river....

  • Flood Project
    Flood study

    Lower Shoalhaven River Flood Study

    Publication date: 01/01/1977
    In August 1974 and again in June 1975 two major floods occurred in the Shoalhaven River and large areas of land between Nowra and the coast were inundated for several days....

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Shoalhaven River - Investigation

    Publication date: 01/01/1111
    The following report has been prepared in an effort to compile as much information as possible regarding the investigations which have been carried out into the resources of the...

  • Flood Project
    Guidance, Tools and Resources

    Nowra & Browns Creeks Hazard and Hydraulic Categories 1% AEP

    Publication date: 01/01/1111
    Hazard and Hydraulic Categories. Extents and categorisations based on the 100-year flood.