Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Gulargambone Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 07/07/2021The Study Area for Gulargambone is located at the confluence of the Castlereagh River (catchment area 7,000 km2 at the confluence) and Gulargambone Creek (catchment area 600 km2...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
West Coonamble Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 07/07/2021The Study Area for West Coonamble is located on the western side of the Castlereagh River (catchment area 8,400 km2 at the confluence of the Castlereagh River and Warrena...
Flood ProjectFloodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
Quambone Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
CompletedPublication date: 07/07/2021Quambone (population 247 and 50 dwellings) is located approximately 55 km west of Coonamble, in the Central West Region of NSW. The Village of Quambone, declared on 28 July...
Flood ProjectGuidance, Tools and Resources
Coonamble Levee - Flood Affection to Properties Due to Failure
CompletedPublication date: 01/06/2010The objective of this study was to assess flood affection to properties located inside Coonamble Levee due to two levee breach scenarios, with two design floods investigated for...
Flood ProjectPost event flood behaviour reports
Coonamble Levee - Flood Gradient Sensitivity Modelling Study January 2009
CompletedPublication date: 16/01/2009A major storm event occurred on Warrena Creek catchment at Coonamble during 22-23 December 2007. A 24 hour rainfall of 171 mm was recorded in Coonamble during this storm event....
Flood ProjectGeotech Report on levee
Coonamble Town Levee - Report on Levee Bank Assessment
CompletedPublication date: 08/02/2007This report documents the results of a geotechnical investigation of Coonamble Town Levee and the resulting recommendations for a program of repairs to the earthfill levee. It...
Flood ProjectFlood study
Coonamble Flood Scoping Study
CompletedPublication date: 01/12/2002This study was commissioned by the Department of Land and Water Conservation (DLWC) to review the issues associated with flooding at Coonamble, NSW. It is funded through...
Flood ProjectPost event data collection
Coonamble Levee - Flood Levels
CompletedPublication date: 01/08/1994Water Resources Consulting Services was commissioned by the NSW Public Works Dams and Civil Section to determine the design levee crest levels to Australian Height Datum (AHD),...
Flood ProjectVisual Levee Audits
Audit of Flood Levees for NSW - Town of Coonamble
CompletedPublication date: 01/12/1992The town of Coonamble on the Castlereagh River in New South Wales has a population of about 1200. It is protected from flooding by a ring levee with a total length of...